Favorite Baby Must-Haves

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Every mommy of a newborn has her list of favorite things that she can’t live without. Since recently welcoming a new little one into our family, I have been thinking about my list… my list of things I recommend to all my friends who are new or seasoned moms, things I wish I would have known about with my first. Of course, you have your “onesies”, bottles, binkies…etc… all the “usual” must-haves. This is my list of things that go just one step further.

Owlet Baby Montior
Owlet Monitor

First on my list is something that I just got with this most recent baby (and I wish I had had it for all the previous ones)– it was just released to the public about 5 months ago and it is HANDS-DOWN my favorite baby item. It allows me to sleep at night and not WORRY. I can put the baby down for naps and not risk waking her by going in and checking on her every few minutes. Both you and the baby will sleep more soundly. The heartbreak and pain is unimaginable. Once my sisters and I started having children we were extra paranoid about our children when they were sleeping. Every night we would get up, lean over the crib, and rest our hand on their chest to make sure they were still breathing. I had the highest, top-of-the-line baby monitor but it wouldn’t ease my mind because though I could have eyes on my baby, I couldn’t tell if she was breathing just from the video screen. I was still up constantly throughout the night checking on her. When I first heard of Owlet, I knew I needed one. I didn’t care about the cost. I just wanted one to ease my mind.

You may think the price tag is pricey, but believe me, it is worth every penny. The first few nights I was still paranoid and I would reach over and check on my phone to see her heart rate. Each night I was able to check less and less because I knew the Owlet was working. I never experienced a “red” alarm but several times I did hear the little tune letting me know that my baby had kicked the monitor off her little foot and it needed to be re-positioned. It has worked like a charm and I couldn’t be happier.

Owlet offers special deals from time to time on new and certified refurbished monitors.

Owlet Monitor Special Baby Monitor

Ok now that I have sung my praises for the Owlet baby monitor, let’s continue down the list of my other favorite baby items… 🙂

Aden and Anais

Aden + Anais Muslin Baby Blankets

I love these blankets. They are light and soft and can be used in so many different ways– from a swaddle blanket to a car seat cover, to a nursing cover, to a burp cloth… and so much more! I honestly use my blankets on an hourly basis. I have one with me at all times.

Baby Sling

Baby Sling
These are perfect for when you need to have free hands.. or just to take some pressure off of your back and shoulders from holding your little one. A MUST for the busy mommy!


On Becoming BABY WISE
This is a must-have for moms who want to get some sleep. I have used this with ALL of my kids and they have ALL slept through the night at 6 weeks. I recommend this to all my new mommy friends. It is my baby “Bible” and I keep it on my nightstand at all times. Trust me, if you want to keep your sanity and have kids that sleep at night– you will want to get this book.

binky clip

Binky Clips
This one is pretty self-explanatory. Babies lose their binky ALL. THE. TIME. One little clip can change all that. It is wonderful.

Boppy Nursing Pillow
For Moms who are nursing, this is a 100% must-have. These pillows take the weight off your arms, back, and shoulders while breast-feeding. It makes nursing SO much more enjoyable!
Along with the Boppy pillow, nursing moms will also need to have Lanolin on hand. Trust me…

Bundle Me
JJ Cole Bundle Me
This is my favorite car seat accessory. It is perfect for this time of year when it is freezing outside. It is like a little sleeping bag that attaches right to your car seat… and it is SO SOFT. I am actually jealous seeing my little one all snuggled up perfectly in there. It looks so comfy!

Pack N Play with Bassinet, Changing Table, and Newborn Napper
This Pack N-Play is ideal for people who don’t have a lot of space. This has been used as my bassinet for all of my kids and it is my only changing table. I keep it right next to our bed during their first couple of months so I can attend to the baby in every way possible. It is so convenient– plus when they grow out of the bassinet and sleeper, you have a pack-n-play to take with you wherever you need to go!

Phil and Teds
Phil & Ted’s Stroller
I can’t sing enough praises about my stroller. It is the best. What I love most about it is that it is the most streamlined double stroller ever. I can take 2 kids to the mall and go in between clothes racks without knocking everything over in my path. I am telling you, this thing turns on a dime! Plus, my kids love it (I was worried about the kids not wanting to ride in the back part but they are totally fine with it). It also has a car seat adapter so you can clip your car seat onto it. If you don’t need a double stroller, the back seat can be unattached, and boom– you have a single stroller. You couldn’t pay me to get any other stroller. I just love this one too much. If you go to Costco, sometimes you can find a HUGE discount on these. I have found that they usually go on sale in the Spring.

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About the author

Erica Walker

Erica lives in Meridian, Idaho, with her husband, Jared, an attorney, and their three daughters. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University and has a passion for travel and adventure. Whether kayaking, hiking, or scuba diving, she loves exploring the world—and bringing her family along for the ride.

More about Erica Walker

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