Weight Loss Magic E-Book


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Weight Loss Soup Ebook.

It’s here!!! All of the information on how we lost weight by using our delicious Weight Loss Soup is compiled in one e-book. Here is what you will get:

  • A detailed explanation of how we lost weight using Weight Loss Magic Soup
  • Over 25 recipes under 450 calories, complete with nutritional information
  • Sample meal plans for one full week
  • Soup Variations, FAQ answers, and more…
Weight Loss Magic Soup Ebook Book.

Our newest e-book! Here’s what you’ll get:

  • A detailed explanation of how we lost weight using the Weight Loss Magic Soup
  • Over 25 recipes under 450 calories, complete with nutritional information.
  • Sample meal plans for one full week.
  • Soup variations, FAQ answers, and more…
  • $9.97 Introductory price only $7.99!

Some reviews about the Weight Loss Magic Soup from our viewers:

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Here is a sample page from the e-book:

Weight Loss Soup Book Sample Page.

Weight Loss Magic Soup cookbook.

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About the author

Erica Walker

Erica lives in Meridian, Idaho, with her husband, Jared, an attorney, and their three daughters. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University and has a passion for travel and adventure. Whether kayaking, hiking, or scuba diving, she loves exploring the world—and bringing her family along for the ride.

More about Erica Walker

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    1. Sorry, at this time we only offer the e-version of the book. We have not published a paper copy. Once you download the book, you are welcome to print it for your convenience

  1. When will the problems with the downloads be corrected? Will you be publishing a hard copy of this book? It would be so much easier.

    1. The issue with the downloads is through the 3rd party provider that sends out the e-books. We have no control over that. I don’t think we will be publishing a hard-copy anytime soon– but you are welcome to print it out if that helps!

  2. With so many people having problems downloading said book, I to, would prefer a hard copy, but I don’t suppose you publish do you?

  3. Is it OK to drink a diet coke in the morning with my breakfast? I don’t drink coffee so I usually drink a diet coke with my breakfast. I made the soup this morning and had my first bowl for lunch…it was very good.

    1. There isn’t any calories in diet coke, but there is no nutritional value either and has still been proven to cause weight gain. That being said, I love an occasional diet coke myself, so if you want one, enjoy it and don’t feel guilty about it. Just try not to let it become something you NEED.

  4. Just purchased this through paypal with payment confirmation and the book won’t download on my iPad. How t
    Do I get it to load on my device.

    1. With an iPad you need to download it into iBooks… email us at favfamilyrecipes {at} gmail {dot} com if you still have issues downloading

  5. I just purchased the ebook and can’t download the file. It says its a pdf file and I have adobe reader and it’s not working

      1. I know you need to download it into a reader for it to work. Have you downloaded any other ebooks on your device? I know if you are doing it on an iPad you have to open it from your eBook reader.

  6. I’m having trouble downloading your book too..
    I’ve emailed twice and haven’t gotten a response yet…

  7. Hello,

    I want to thank you for helping me with the soup diet option what a wonderful way to give back to those who are as desperate to lose weight as I am… I know you are no doctor but I feel that you are very knowledgable about your brand. I am 5″7 120 or so lbs overweight and very concerned’.. I want to lose all of this weight plus some so here are my questions how often in one month can I use this soup as the primary source to lose the weight to reach my goal? As for breakfast options what healthy breakfast options would you suggest I eat in order to stay in harmony with my new eating way of life. I really need answers…. Please help! Desperate girl!!!!

    1. @Desperate girl— If it were ME, I wouldn’t do it more than once a month. We have really detailed instructions on how to lose weight with this soup, plus tons of meal suggestions in our eBook! 🙂

  8. What size cans of broth,or how many cups if using from a carton? I make a soup something like this. Uses carrots,green beans,green peppers,broth,tomatoes(canned),chopped garlic,celery. It’s for weight lost too. When I make it,I crave it. Makes a nice large pot.

  9. I ordered the e book and paid for it. However it would not down load and the link has disappeared. How can I get my book? Please reply so I don’t have to get paypal to process a refund. Thanks.